Jan 23, 2011

Tablets Are The Future!

The iPod changed the music industry, the stereo component market, the portable music device industry and how we listen in our cars. Now the tablet computer, with the iPad in the early lead, is already changing the PC industry, the virtualization market, the Web site design arena, the publishing industry and dozens of others.
Some IT departments are resisting the tablet, but the fact is as more of us buy personal iPads and other makes, we are going to pressure CIOs to make them functional as a work device. An accessorized iPad can very easily stand up to a notebook computer today. With a virtualized desktop deployment, it becomes even more powerful. There are really just a few things that I and many other executives need when we travel -- access to e-mail, the ability to write and the ability to look at spreadsheets. All of these can be accomplished on a tablet and it gets easier with a wireless keyboard. So why should I be forced to lug a notebook?
My point here is the tablet is a huge sales opportunity for solution providers, and the sooner you begin thinking about how you can deploy it to solve customer needs the better.
Continue reading this article here.


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