Quite evidently, the latest to rub off on tech realm is the tablet mania. Following Apple’s highly anticipated ‘i’ device, the iPad, we have seen uproar in several markets with manufacturers trying to dish out a tablet version of their own. Features like utmost portability, larger screen and so on, have helped tablets garner accolades.
Apple products have by far been trend setters with a virtual over-hyped aura encircling them, be it with their music lineup or other devices. This time around, the company has gone a step ahead and almost egged other manufactures to pull out a competitive device. Though the iPad didn’t escape flak from critics initially, it still allured Apple loyalists and managed to show off impressive sales figures like 1 million units sold in 28 days and 2 million in 59 days.
Over the year, the market scene has undergone a sudden change almost reviving the tablet segment. Several other players played their cards; some instantly while others still in the pipeline. Dell uncloaked the Streak tablet that runs on Froyo while BlackBerry plans to allure its business strata with the highly anticipated Playbook. Moreover, we have been hearing about Notion Ink’s Adam for sometime now, yet again an Android tablet by a group of IITians from India.
The most recent tablets to emerge also include the Binatone tablet sporting a price tag around Rs. 9000 while the Magnum tablet by LACS comes in two iterations. Hopping onto the bandwagon is ZTE and a few more companies as well. So, we see the tablet mania gripping both manufacturers and consumer minds.
Technological advancements have always inundated markets with products that make heads turn. Devices reign for some time and are taken over by something much better and innovative. Right now, the tablet arena is flourishing, leaving room for improvement for the next emerging product in the category. Let’s wait and watch if this hype fades away or the category manages to sustain a strong foothold on the market in the years to come. Link
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