Jan 25, 2011

Zuckerberg and Other Major Tech Figures Kiss Ass/Apple on Crunchies

Yes, the iPad is revolutionary, but do we need some major tech figures to tell us that, or is it just another stunt to promote the tablet? In the video below you can see Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder telling us how the iPad changed the world, followed by Foursquare main man Dennis Crowley and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman (also Greylock partner).

While Zuckerberg considers that Steve Jobs made us more portable, Dennis Crowley even shows up with some Apple headphones on, so his biased opinion is pretty clear. Reid Hoffman is more mature about the product (always interconnected users) , while Jeffrey Katzenberg (Dreamworks founder) exaggerates a bit and considers the iPad “the most extraordinary innovation of our times”.

The occasion for this shower of compliments is Techcrunch’s awards, lovingly called the Crunchies and most of all going to Apple as usual. What you have here is the acceptance speech for the Cupertino giant, that doesn’t even bother to send someone to get the award. Do they care? Maybe… Will anyone praise the revolutionary Motorola Xoom? Guess not… 
SOURCE: techcrunch

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